Dagens Driftstörning Avhjälpt !

Please note
You are currently reading an archived article from 07/01/2014. The content of this article is therefore probably out of date.

Under dagen den 1/7 har vår serverleverantör haft en "större" driftstörning vilket tyvärr också drabbade Fraktjakt.

Vår serverleverantör meddelar - We are downgrading back to the firmware we had earlier. - Firmware downgrade was completed successfully. - Now restoration is going on, all server will up as soon as possible. - We are working together with IBM to restore the Configuration. - The SAN is up again and we are working on starting all services - ECS and VMware solution is slowly beeing started. - SAN is still performing background check on all volumes. Kl. 14.30 - Dagens driftstörning avhjälpt Vi beklagar det inträffade och de bekymmer detta kan orsaka för er.
Fraktjakt, 07/01/2014

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