Reclaimlost package

All claims are made to Fraktjakt AB. Since our responsibility for the shipment ends after payment and printing of shipping labels, the Shipping Company's own investiation and decision applies.

Missing shipping is considered lost after about 30 days from the date of submission (some exceptions are available longer processing time). No payment will be made before.

Please attach documentation that proves the value you want to be reimbursed, copy of original invoice, retail invoice or receipt). According to the Swedish Tax Agency's rules for Company, VAT will never be refunded upon complaint.

Fraktjakts shipment number
Delivery date
Detailed content description (Please describe the content as detailed as possible; characteristics, serial numbers on electronics etc.)
Kind of package

Bank account information for eventual deposit
Questions and comments

Photos: (Do not forget to attach photos of your package to the email that is generated by this form)

Nothing happens when you click Submit?
Then you have not set a default email app in Windows. Go to the default apps settings by write 'default app' when you clicked the Window icon at the bottom left of the screen. Then choose the email application you'd rather use to send email.

Don't hesitate to Contact us if you have any questions and we will help you

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