How can we help you?

Here we have compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions about Fraktjakt. Do not hesitate to Contact us. We are glad to help you, no matter how small or large your question is!


Is the shipping less expensive with Fraktjakt?

We offer affordable shipping, domestic and foreign, where you can utilize our prenegotiated shipping contracts with major bulk discounts already from start.

If you already have favorable shipping contracts, it is also possible to use your own Individual shipping contracts with Fraktjakt's transportation management system.

Does it cost anything to use Fraktjakt?


Fraktjakt's basic accounts are completely free to register and use.
There are no hidden nor monthly fees. The only thing that you need to pay for are your actual shipment purchases. In addition, you get a good discount on the shipping price!

If you ever grow out of our basic account and need more functions, Fraktjakt also offers support for your indidual shipping contracts and our premium service Fraktjakt+ with industry-unique solutions that simplify and speed up your freight management further, but these are voluntary and not required to use Fraktjakt.

Read a more detailed rundown about our Prices.

What are the benefits of registering a user account?

By registering as a user on Fraktjakt, you can buy your freight faster, with address registers and saved templates for standard packaging and content, as well as access to our simple order connections, automation, feedback, tracking and multi-user systems that give you an overview and statistics of your freight purchase.


What payment methods are available on Fraktjakt?

  • Credit Card with Visa or MasterCard in cooperation with Payer Financial Services AB. Your data will be sent with a secure SSL certificate at Payer Financial Services AB, where you can safely enter your payment details directly.
  • Swish, private persons can utilize Swish as a payment option.
  • Prepaid saldo, pay with your prepaid saldo. Deposit and maintain a prepaid saldo to more quickly and easily make payments inside Fraktjakt.
  • Daily Consolidated Invoice with 10 days (20 days for Fraktjakt+) as payment terms. For invoices delivered via e-mail, an invoicing fee of SEK 0 (SEK 0 incl. VAT) is added. For invoices delivered by letter, an invoicing fee of SEK 32 (SEK 40 incl. VAT) will be added.
  • Weekly Consolidated Invoice, contact support.


Is Fraktjakt a shipping company?

No, we help you find the most suitable shipping company and shipping service. We convey shipping services, but do not ship any goods ourself.

Can I use my own shipping contracts?

We offer affordable shipping, domestic and foreign, where you can utilize our prenegotiated shipping contracts with major bulk discounts already from start.

If you already have favorable shipping contracts, it is also possible to use your own Individual shipping contracts with Fraktjakt's transportation management system.

With this service, you can create and manage shipments with your own contracts through our easy-to-use system, while also taking advantage of Fraktjakt's other benefits and unique features such as follow-up, integrations, automation, customizations and price comparison.

How do you pack safely and properly?

It is always your own responsibility to pack your items properly so that they neither gets damaged nor damage other packages during transport.

  Read more about our How to pack.

How does pickup work for shipments?

Some shipping services include pickup of the carrier. These services are clearly marked already in the search results and Fraktjakt makes it possible for you to automatically book collection electronically at the same time as your shipment purchase.

You can check your upcoming pickups at the checkout, change the time, addresses, instructions and even cancel pickup if necessary. In your address book, you can save information and preferences on your default pickup address, so that you do not have to enter them manually every time. There you can enter instructions to the driver and what days and times you are available for collection.

Preparations for the pickup
Upon pickup, the goods must already be packaged, addressed, placed and ready for immediate collection. Each package must be addressed with the shipping label and other shipping documents that Fraktjakt provides for printing, unless otherwise stated.

Place the packages so that they are easily accessible for the driver to handle at the time of pickup.

Multiple shippers
If you have booked pickup from several different shipping companies, then you need to clearly separate the packages, preferably with package cages per clearly marked with each shipping company's name, so that the packages are not picked up by the wrong carrier.

Dead weight

It is important to cancel unwanted pickups before the purchase of your shipments. Dead weight as a result of a cancelled assignment not being cancelled within a reasonable period of time may result in additional fees from the shipping companies.

Please note! The requested date and time frame can not be guaranteed by the shipping companies, since they may not fit the timetable of the drivers or other unforseen situations may arise that makes the pickup impossible at the selected time frame.

Missed pickup
If for some reason the shipper misses the pickup, the shipper's practice is that you have to book a new pickup. Contact our support, and we will help you to book a new pickup.

  Read more about pick-ups

What is the difference between Incoterms and Combiterms?

Incoterms is a collection of international delivery terms that are used both within Sweden and internationally. Combiterms is a Swedish supplement to Incoterms used in Sweden.

  Information about delivery terms

What is Incoterms?

Incoterms (International commerce terms) are a set of international trade terms on how goods transport costs and responsibilities should be distributed between buyer and seller. They are fundamental in international trade transactions and cover matters relating to deliveries between buyers and sellers. This includes how the goods are to be transported, who pays for what, import and export clearance, and who bears the risk at different parts of the journey.

  Information about delivery terms

What is Combiterms?

Combiterms (combined delivery terms) are a set of Swedish trade terms developed by the Swedish Transport Industry Association. Combiterms is not an independent set of rules for delivery conditions, but is used as a supplement to Incoterms to better clarify who is responsible for certain costs, and for which distances. They offer guidance on Incoterms delivery terms and cost headings with the associated three-digit code. Combiterm's main function is to combine the delivery terms with a clear system for the distribution of costs between buyers and sellers.

  Information about delivery terms

What is DDU?

DDU (Delivered Duties Unpaid) is an incoterm which means that the seller delivers the goods when they are available, not unloaded, not cleared for import at the specified location. The seller is responsible for all costs and risks until then with the exception of customs handling. The term can be used regardless of the mode of transport. The transport document, the transport risk and the cost of the goods transport are transferred when the goods are at the buyer's disposal at the place specified by the buyer. This incoterm was abandoned in 2011-01-01.

What is DDP?

DDP (Delivered duty paid) is an incoterm which means that the seller hands over the goods once they have been imported and placed at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport, ready for unloading at the specified destination. The seller bears all costs and risks associated with transporting the goods to the specified place and shall clear the goods not only for export but also for import, pay all duties for export and import and complete all customs formalities.

What is DAP?

DAP (Delivered at place) is an incoterm which means that the seller hands over the goods when they are placed at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport, ready for unloading at the specified destination. The seller bears all the risks associated with transporting the goods to the specified place.

What is EXW?

EXW (Ex Works) is an incoterm which means that the seller puts the goods at the disposal of the buyer on the seller's land or territory such as a factory or warehouse. The seller does not export the goods and it is not loaded on any transport vehicle. EXW means minimal liability for the seller . The transport document, the transport risk and the cost of the goods transport are transferred to the seller's territory.

What is CPT?

CPT (Carriage Paid To) is an Incoterm that means freight paid to specified destination. This means that the seller takes care of the export and transport of the goods to the specified destination. The seller must inform the buyer when the goods have been delivered and send out an invoice and possibly other documents that have been agreed upon. The risk passes to the buyer when the goods have been handed over to the first carrier. The buyer handles the import of the goods. Any insurance is taken out by the buyer.

What is fob?

FOB (free on board) is a term in international commercial law specifying at what point respective obligations, costs, and risk involved in the delivery of goods shift from the seller to the buyer under the Incoterms standard published by the International Chamber of Commerce. FOB is only used in non-containerized sea freight or inland waterway transport. As with all Incoterms, FOB does not define the point at which ownership of the goods is transferred.

How do I get compensation for damaged or lost goods?

If the goods should disappear or damage occurs during shipping, you need report this as soon as possible to obtain the possibility of damages.

If the shipping is purchased on Fraktjakt's shipping contracts, our customer service can help you conduct a complaint process against the shipping company. For freight purchased against own shipping contracts you need to contact the shipping companies directly.

Complaints can take up to 3 months to be processed by the carrier. For export freight may take a little longer as recipient countries must respond to the notification made from Sweden.

A supplementary insurance does not guarantee that compensation is always paid if the accident should occur and an injury occurs. The complaint (damage) must first be approved by the carrier for such a supplement to apply and compensation can be paid.

  Claim damaged packages

  Claim lost packages

What are the terms for the shipping insurance?

Fraktjakt's shipping insurance provides comprehensive protection. If you have not used Fraktjakt's shipping insurance, your shipment will be uninsured. If there is no insurance, the carrier's limited coverage applies. Fraktjakt's shipping insurance applies to all of Fraktjakt's trackable shipping services (but not mail services such as PostNord Varubrev).

The main exceptions are loss or damage caused by:

  • The product's own nature, this includes i.a. temperature influence
  • Deficient packing, labelling, poor packaging or damage due to the goods not being prepared for transport
  • Already damaged goods
  • Delay - whatever the reason
  • War or war-like events
  • Strike or labor market disputes
Some of these exceptions can be fully or partially co-insured. It is important to think about whether, for example, you are going to insure temperature-sensitive goods.

Goods that are not covered by Fraktjakt's shipping insurance are:

  • Already damaged goods, art, valuables (e.g. jewellery, precious metals and stones, stamps, bonds and money), sawn wooden items and timber, foodstuffs - fresh and frozen, pharmaceuticals, tobacco and alcoholic beverages, live animals, containers and other cargo carriers or oil, gas and other fossil fuels.
  • Fraktjakt's shipping insurance does not apply to the following destinations: Belarus, Russia, South Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen

  Information about insurance

What happens in the event of an claim if I have insurance?

The claim is reported to Fraktjakt in the usual way. If Skadeförsäkring will then handle your claim and may contact you with questions regarding your claim. If will also handle the claim payment to you.

If you have questions regarding an ongoing claim, please contact your claim handler at If.

  Information about insurance


What is a delivery address?

A delivery address is the recipient's street address where the driver can deliver goods and shipments, as well as obtain a receipt. Delivery address must include a street address. Box address is not a valid delivery address for package shipments.

What is a delivery address?

A postal address is used for letter deliveries. It can be either a street address or a box address.

What is a c/o address?

The designation c/o is an abbreviation of the term care of which means take care of. It is listed on the first line of the street address in front of the name of the person handling the mail. Residents and those who sublet housing are not recommended to enter a c/o address. They should instead put their name directly on the door and on the post or property box at the entrance.

C/O should not be used in pickup addresses. Enter an alternative sender name instead.

What do administrative postal codes mean?

Administrative postal codes are exceptions to geographic postal codes. It can be Poste restante, Competition post, Reply post/Free reply, Boxes or Bulk customer postcode.

Poste restante, the recipient can pick up the mail at Postnord's delivery office, without the addressee having a post office box. In the postcode system, there are a number of postcodes set aside for Poste restante.

Competition post is used for competitions where the answers come by physical letter and is most common in big cities.

Reply post/Frisvar is a service where the recipient pays the postage in arrears.

What does box post number mean?

A box postcode is a postcode for a postbox facility. The box postcode indicates the geographic area in which the box facility is located. Box plus a number is entered as the delivery address in the postal address. In order for the mail handling to work, it is required that the addressees have reported a ”special postal address” to the Swedish Tax Agency's Folkbokföringsenhett.

Please note: Box addresses are not available for pickup and delivery services.

What is a Major Client postal code?

Major Client Postal Codes can be assigned at the initiative of the postal operator to customers in metropolitan areas with a large number of daily shipments. It provides an easier rationalization of shipping. The own postcodes may only be used for letters. Major Client Postal Codes do not work for parcel services, which are distributed and acknowledged at the customer's delivery address. Addresses using Major Client Postal Codes are entered without a delivery address, as they do not precisely define the addressee's geographical position.

Shipping prices

Is the shipping less expensive with Fraktjakt?

We offer affordable shipping, domestic and foreign, where you can utilize our prenegotiated shipping contracts with major bulk discounts already from start.

If you already have favorable shipping contracts, it is also possible to use your own Individual shipping contracts with Fraktjakt's transportation management system.

Is the shipping price calculated on weight or dimensions and volume?

The price is calculated on both volume and weight, but it may also include fuel costs for delivery distance, pickup surcharge, metropolitan area surcharge and a variety of other charges, where each shipping company has different calculation methods.

In stark contrast to other sites, Fraktjakt always displays our prices "all-inclusive", with all mandatory additional charges, so that the actual shipping cost will be as transparent as possible for the consumer. However, depending on whether you miss a pick-up, the goods are considered to be poorly packaged, labels are missing, dimensions and weight are not correct or the recipient does not admit the shipment, there may be additional charges that we can not predict. Please read about additional charges in the terms for each shipping service or contact our customer service if you have any questions.

What is included in the shipping cost?

Unlike other transport systems and freight brokers, Fraktjakt shows the entire freight price, all inclusive. Including all surcharges such as DMT, fuel surcharges / fuel charges, metropolitan surcharges, notification fees, bulk / large package surcharges, seasonal surcharges and other mandatory surcharges that are always otherwise added to the actual shipping cost that you are invoiced.

This way you avoid unnecessary surprises and have a better opportunity to plan and optimize your expenses.

  Read more about Price quote for all your shipping services

Will there be additional fees added to the shipping cost?


If you have entered everything correctly and followed the terms of the shipping service, we will calculate the total cost including all possible collection fees, fuel surcharges, metropolitan surcharges, etc. as determined by the shipping companies.

Unlike other sites, Fraktjakt always shows the prices "all-inclusive", with all mandatory additional fees, so that the actual shipping cost will be as transparent as possible for you as a freight buyer.But depending on whether you, for example, miss a pick-up time, the goods are judged to be poorly packaged, labels are missing, dimensions and weight do not match or the recipient does not receive the shipment, there may be additional charges afterwards which we cannot anticipate. Please read about additional fees in the terms and conditions for each shipping service or contact our customer service if you have any questions.

But if everything is declared correct and you stay within the conditions for the shipping service, then the price must also correspond to the total price that applies to the service without any unpleasant surprises, which can happen when booking freight "blindly" without full price information in other TA systems.

Does the shipping cost include taxes?

If you are applying as a private individual, VAT is included in the price, but if you are applying as a company, the price is displayed without VAT. There is always a text above or below the prices that tells whether the prices include VAT or not.

Customs declarations

Can I get help filling out the customs declaration?

Fraktjakt's system automatically informs about the most common tasks required for the import and export of goods. We also create the most common customs documents for your shipments automatically together with other shipping documents.

Our customer service is happy to help you if something is still unclear, so also the shipping companies you bought the shipping through, but you get the most current and specific information for your particular shipping via your own national Customs agency.

There you can also look up the product codes for your goods and see exact terms and tax rates that apply to them to your receiving country.


Fraktjakt's information about our Help with customs declaration

What is a Commercial Invoice?

A commercial invoice is used to describe goods that are exported for sale and is an important part of the clearance process where customs authorities classify goods so that customs duties and taxes can be assessed correctly.

All shipments to countries outside the European Union (EU) require customs documents, so also within the EU Customs Union, such as Cyprus, Greece and Malta, as well as areas outside the EU excise areas such as Åland and the Canary Islands, under certain conditions.

Correct and complete information on a commercial invoice is very important to get fast and problem-free customs processing. Most shipping companies require a commercial invoice in three copies, all individually signed. Two copies, you put a place pocket attached to the outside of the goods and a copy that you put inside the goods.

Fractjakt automatically creates a basic commercial invoice for your freight with the most common information pre-filled. However, it is still your responsibility to check that the information is correct and if any information is missing. If you wish to create your own customs documents, you can disable Fraktjakt's documents under your print settings. Be aware that some countries sometimes do not accept handwritten commercial invoices. If the document is not correct, the shipment may be stopped by the receiving customs or the shipping company's customs agent. Fraktjakt will then invoice for the additional costs that may arise.

The signature does not have to be original and in Fraktjakt you can upload your signature so that it is filled in automatically.

What is a Proforma Invoice?

A proforma invoice is used instead of a commercial invoice if the importer has not bought the product. That is, if the product is not for sale, for example for gifts, samples, returns and repairs. The proforma invoice is an important part of the clearance process where customs authorities classify goods so that customs duties and taxes can be assessed correctly.

All shipments to countries outside the European Union (EU) require customs documents, so also within the EU Customs Union, such as Cyprus, Greece and Malta, as well as areas outside the EU excise areas such as Åland and the Canary Islands, under certain conditions.

Correct and complete information on a commercial invoice is very important to get fast and problem-free customs processing. Most shipping companies require a commercial invoice in three copies, all individually signed. Two copies, you put a place pocket attached to the outside of the goods and a copy that you put inside the goods.

Fractjakt automatically creates a basic commercial invoice for your freight with the most common information pre-filled. However, it is still your responsibility to check that the information is correct and if any information is missing. If you wish to create your own customs documents, you can disable Fraktjakt's documents under your print settings. Be aware that some countries sometimes do not accept handwritten commercial invoices. If the document is not correct, the shipment may be stopped by the receiving customs or the shipping company's customs agent. Fraktjakt will then invoice for the additional costs that may arise.

The signature does not have to be original and in Fraktjakt you can upload your signature so that it is filled in automatically.

What is Tariff, TARIC, HS and commodity codes?

Commodity codes (also called tariff codes, taric codes and hs codes) are usually not required, but speeds up and improves the customs process which enables a faster delivery and may avoid unnecessary charges or that your shipments get completely stuck or refused in customs.

The commodity codes are based on The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, an international system that more than 200 countries use as a basis for customs purposes and trade statistics.

The first four digits are called HS numbers, the first six are called HS subheadings. In addition to HS numbers and sub-numbers, we in the EU have increased the figures to eight. These eight-digit commodity codes are called the "combined nomenclature" and are the EU tariff to be used for classification.

The EU has built on the combined nomenclature with a tariff called Taric. Taric consists of ten-digit commodity codes. This makes it possible to link provisions on, for example, anti-dumping, licensing and suspension of duties with the combined nomenclature.

As an importer or exporter, you are responsible for ensuring that your goods are correctly classified. This also applies if you hire a representative who makes the declaration. If you have declared an incorrect product code, it may mean that you have had to pay too little or too much in customs or that an import permit may be required for the product.


With our Intelligent commodity templates you can supplement your shipments with correct item codes automatically, by either retrieving information from previous shipments and thus learning and automatically creating new templates from previous shipments or manually adding the information you want to complete future shipments with.

What is an EORI number?

EORI (Economic Operators Registration and Identification number). An EORI is a European Union registration and identification number for businesses which undertake the import or export of goods into or out of the EU.

Fraktjakt can save this information for you, to be filled out automatically in forms when needed. Both for your own companies and your recipients through our automatic address register.

What is a VOEC number?

VAT on e-commerce (VOEC). Avoid customs fees for products valued up to 3000 NOK when exporting to Norway, by applying for a VOEC number and charging norwegian VAT.

Fraktjakt can save this information for you, to be filled out automatically in forms when needed. Both for your own companies and your recipients through our automatic address register.

What is a MVA number?

Norwegian MVA number to declare norwegian VAT.

Businesses selling to customers in Norway are obliged to register with the Value Added Tax Register as soon as their turnover crosses NOK 50,000 (NOK 140,000 for charitable and benevolent organizations).

Fraktjakt can save this information for you, to be filled out automatically in forms when needed. Both for your own companies and your recipients through our automatic address register.

What is UK supply VAT?

UK supply VAT number.

Is a requirement for handling VAT payments for sales to customers in UK if the value is not exceeding 135 GBP (sales value, ie excluding shipping etc). Also applies to gifts if the value of the items exceeds 50 GBP to the same recipient during a 12 month period.

Fraktjakt can save this information for you, to be filled out automatically in forms when needed. Both for your own companies and your recipients through our automatic address register.

What is a REX number?

The Registered Exporter system (the REX system).

REX is a system of certification of origin of goods based on a principle of self-certification when the value of the consignment is over 6,000 euros.

Fraktjakt can save this information for you, to be filled out automatically in forms when needed. Both for your own companies and your recipients through our automatic address register.

What is an IOSS number?

Import One-Stop-Shop (IOSS).

IOSS is used to declare that VAT has already been paid at the time of sale for shipments with a maximum value of 150 euros. International or EU companies that sell goods that are outside the EU to customers within the EU can choose to use IOSS.

IOSS is the same number as OSS, so European companies can use their OSS number in customs declarations like IOSS. Apply to the tax agency of your country of residence to aquire an OSS number.


Fraktjakt can save this information for you, to be filled out automatically in forms when needed. Both for your own companies and your recipients through our automatic address register.

What is an EKAER number?

EKAER (Electronic Public Road Transport Control) system in Hungary.

As part of the fight against tax fraud, Hungary introduced the EKÁER system. The goal of the system is to track the actual route of the goods transported by public roads and to ensure payment of the public burdens arising during the purchase and sale of the goods.

EKÁER registration and announcement obligation applies in respect of any

  • Acquisitions of goods or other purpose importations of goods from the European Union to Hungary
  • Supplies of goods or other purpose exportations of goods to the European Union from Hungary
  • First taxable supplies of goods to non-consumers in Hungary
  • involving road transportation subject to road toll or transportation by a motor vehicle with a total weight of over 3.5 tons if the quantity of non-risky products transported in one delivery from one dispatcher to one recipient exceeds 5 million forints (HUF) in value or 2,500 kg in weight.

In the case of risky products, EKÁER announcement obligation arises in respect of any transport by road vehicles in the above mentioned relations if the value of the products transported in one delivery from one dispatcher to one recipient exceeds 1 million forints or if its gross weight exceeds 500 kg. If the transport is not announced in the EKÁER system, the freight may be seized and the penalty imposed may reach up to 40 percent of the value of the goods.

Fraktjakt can save this information for you, to be filled out automatically in forms when needed. Both for your own companies and your recipients through our automatic address register.

What is customs declaration CN22?

CN 22 is a simplified customs declaration for letter items with a value of up to SEK 2,000 which also includes a security declaration. Paste CN22 directly on the item, completely flat without folding over an edge.

All shipments to countries outside the European Union (EU) require customs clearance. No customs clearance is required for goods shipped within the EU, with the exception of Cyprus, Greece and Malta, as well as areas outside EU excise areas such as Åland and the Canary Islands.

Correct and complete information on a customs document is very important for fast and hassle-free customs processing.

Fraktjakt automatically creates CN22 and several other basic customs documents pre-filled with the information about your freight. However, it is still your responsibility to check that the information is correct and if any information is missing. If you wish to create your own customs documents, you can deactivate Fraktjakt's documents under your print settings. If the document is not correct, shipping may be stopped by the receiving customs office or the shipping company's customs agent. Fraktjakt will then invoice for the additional costs that may arise.

What is customs declaration CN23?

CN 23 is a customs declaration for all postal parcels and for letter items over SEK 2,000 that include a security declaration. CN 23 also applies to postal parcels and letter items under SEK 2,000 that are sent for commercial purposes. Tape the document directly on what you are to send or insert plastic pocket that you attach to the shipment.

All shipments to countries outside the European Union (EU) require customs clearance. No customs clearance is required for goods shipped within the EU, with the exception of Cyprus, Greece and Malta, as well as areas outside the EU excise areas such as Åland and the Canary Islands.

Correct and complete information on a customs document is very important for fast customs processing. Most shipping companies require customs documents with three copies, all individually signed. They also recommend that you add an extra copy to the package.

Fraktjakt automatically creates CN23 and several other basic customs documents pre-filled with the information about your freight. However, it is still your responsibility to check that the information is correct and if any information is missing. If you wish to create your own customs documents, you can deactivate Fraktjakt's documents under your print settings. If the document is not correct, shipping may be stopped by the receiving customs office or the shipping company's customs agent. Fraktjakt will then invoice for the additional costs that may arise.

What is a security declaration?

When sending postal items within the EU, a security declaration must be attached to the shipment. Paste this label to the shipment.

Fraktjakt automatically creates the security declarations required for your shipment.

Do I have to enter the value even if it is a gift?

The value of the goods is used in the customs documents Fraktjakt creates and even if the freight does not have customs documents, it can still be advantageous to state the value because it is also the basis for your insurance alternatives.

Fraktjakt automatically creates a Proforma Invoice for shipments that need customs documents if it is a gift or sample sent. For commercial international shipping, a Commercial Invoice is created instead.

A gift is something that is sent between two private individuals, which is for private use and which is sent on occasion and without any payment by the recipient. Gifts may also not be worth more than SEK 1,600. Otherwise, the customs or the carrier acting as customs clearance may invoice an import VAT.

Read more about the Swedish Customs' conditions for gifts.
> www.tullverket.se/sv/privat/skickaellertaemotengava/taemotengavafranettlandutanforeu


What print formats does Fraktjakt support?

Fraktjakt supports the following print formats

  • A4 paper Printer_a4
    A4 paper
    Print on standard A4 paper.
  • Labels 104 x 268 mm on A4 Printer_a4
    Labels 104 x 268 mm on A4
    Shipping labels in STE format 104 x 268 mm, with a receipt part, on A4 for printing on a regular A4 printer.
  • Labels 105 x 251 mm Printer_a4
    Labels 105 x 251 mm
    Labels in format 105 x 251 mm for dedicated label printers.
  • Labels 105 x 220 mm Printer_a4
    Labels 105 x 220 mm
    Labels in format 105 x 220 mm for dedicated label printers.

Did you run out of labels for your printer?

You know that you can buy everything from labels to packaging and even label printers quickly and easily at low prices directly from us?

Shop in Fraktjakt's freight shop

How do I setup a label printer?

You print shipping labels cheaper and more easy with a label printer.
We recommend the label printers TSC DA210/DA220 and Zebra GK420D.

Hint: You can purchase TSC DA210 cheap online in our own webshop.

Wrong print size?

If you experience problems with the size of the prints, then you should first check that you entered the correct print format in Fraktjakt before you created the shipment. You can not change the print type retroactively on already purchased shipments.

You may also need to change the printer settings on your computer.

(See screnshot for TSC printers)

(See screenshot for Zebra printers)

What is a shipping label?

Print the shipping labels using a label printers or on plain white A4 paper and then tape them to the top of the package. Also remove any old shipping labels from the packages.

Print the shipping labels using a label printers on on self-adhesive labels or using a regular printer on plain white A4 paper and then tape them to the top of the package. Make sure that the label is completely visible on one side and does not cover any seams. Also remove any old shipping labels from the packages.

What is a waybill?

A waybill is a document that contains details and instructions on the transport of a shipment. Unlike a shipping label, the waybill is placed in a plastic pocket. It should not be confused with a manifest which is a receipt that the carrier has received the goods.

Print the waybills on a plain white A4 paper, which should be put in a transparent pouch attached to the package.

What is a manifest?

A manifest is a summary of all goods included in a shipment. It serves as a receipt that the carrier has received the goods.

Fraktjakt automatically creates manifests in duplicate. A copy signed by the carrier to confirm collection of the goods and a copy that the carrier can keep.

You can disable the creation of manifests in your print settings if you create your own manifests, but avoid sending goods without using manifests.

These documents are important for you to be able to prove the shipment if the goods should disappear. Be sure to get the driver's signature on the manifest. It is your receipt that the carrier has received your shipping and is required for you to be able to reclaim the shipping.

What is a packing slip?

A packing slip is a document for the recipient that specifies what the goods contain. When the recipient opens the goods, they can make a reconciliation with the packing slip.

Fraktjakt can automatically create delivery notes for your shipments. If you do not wish to use Fraktjakt's delivery notes, you can deactivate these documents under your print settings.

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By clicking on "Confirm cookies" you accept the cookies used on Fraktjakt. If you only want to allow certain types of cookies, you can change your cookie settings.

Read more about Fraktjakt's privacy policy.

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