How can we help you?
Here we have collected all our user manuals and other documentation about Fraktjakt.Don't hesitate to Contact us if you have any questions and we will help you
Download instruction manuals for Fraktjakt below:
Company (Companies, organizations etc) |
Fraktjakt's manual for companies
An introduction about purchasing your first shipment and other useful information for companies using Fraktjakt. |
Integrations |
Fraktjakt's manual for Integrations
Information about the different settings for webshops and other systems that integrate with Fraktjakt. |
Documentation for developers
Use Fraktjakt's API to create a custom integration between Fraktjakt and your business system or webshop.Download the Fraktjakt API documentation below:
Fraktjakt's API |
Fraktjakt's API manual, in swedish
Detailed information about Fraktjakt's open API with example code.
Fraktjakt's API manual, in English
Detailed information about Fraktjakt's open API with example code.
Fraktjakt's Webhooks |
Fraktjakt's Webhook manual, in swedish
Recently updated, Jan 22!
Detailed information about Fraktjakt's Webhooks with example code.
Fraktjakt's Webhook manual, in English
Recently updated, Jan 22!
Detailed information about Fraktjakt's Webhooks with example code.
Use our quick forms for reclaims.Claim for shipment |