Your complete shipping solution

Shipping services

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What is Fraktjakt

Shipping services
Read more about Fraktjakt


Is Fraktjakt a shipping company?

No, we help you find the most suitable shipping company and shipping service. We convey shipping services, but do not ship any goods ourself.

Does it cost anything to use Fraktjakt?


Fraktjakt's basic accounts are completely free to register and use.
There are no hidden nor monthly fees. The only thing that you need to pay for are your actual shipment purchases. In addition, you get a good discount on the shipping price!

If you ever grow out of our basic account and need more functions, Fraktjakt also offers support for your indidual shipping contracts and our premium service Fraktjakt+ with industry-unique solutions that simplify and speed up your freight management further, but these are voluntary and not required to use Fraktjakt.

Read a more detailed rundown about our Prices.

Is the shipping less expensive with Fraktjakt?

We offer affordable shipping, domestic and foreign, where you can utilize our prenegotiated shipping contracts with major bulk discounts already from start.

If you already have favorable shipping contracts, it is also possible to use your own Individual shipping contracts with Fraktjakt's transportation management system.

Can I use my own shipping contracts?

We offer affordable shipping, domestic and foreign, where you can utilize our prenegotiated shipping contracts with major bulk discounts already from start.

If you already have favorable shipping contracts, it is also possible to use your own Individual shipping contracts with Fraktjakt's transportation management system.

With this service, you can create and manage shipments with your own contracts through our easy-to-use system, while also taking advantage of Fraktjakt's other benefits and unique features such as follow-up, integrations, automation, customizations and price comparison.

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