Shipment statistics

See the bigger picture

Get access to a simplified but insightful information about your company's shipping with Fraktjakt statistics.

Your shipments in a bigger picture

With our shipment statistics we offer a requested overview of your company's shipping. From the day you started using Fraktjakt, down to individual years, months or days, broken down by shipping company or freight contract and in line, area or bar chart. The choice is yours.

Here you can follow your development and discover trends that you might otherwise have missed.

Built-in statistics

With the address book you get access to easy-to-see statistics on how many shipments you sent to each contact. You can also click on the number to view the freight in a list of all shipments to and from that contact.

Helpful overviews everywhere

Our tools are designed so that you always have access to easy-to-understand information about the status of your freight, even in your everyday work. Already in your lists of orders and shipments you can follow the progress of your shipments.

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We use cookies to make your experience as good as possible. We also analyze your visit to understand our customers' needs, as well as direct relevant information and marketing to you. You can change your choices at any time.

Read more about Fraktjakt's privacy policy.